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Computer Graphics

This is the collection of Sikkim Manipal University (SMU) question and answers for Computer Graphics. It will help to prepare your examination. All question paper are classified as per semester, subject code and question type of Part A, Part B and Part C with multiple choice options as same as actual examination. SMU question papers includes year 2024, 2023, 2022 Sem I, II, III, IV, V, VI examinations of all subjects.

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Course Name        MCA (Master of Computer Application)

Subject Code       MC0072 (Computer Graphics)

Get Questions        PART - A    PART - B    PART - C

Subject : Computer Graphics

     MC0072 : PART - B    

Q. 1Match the following intersections with the
window edges
Set – A
i) y=m(XL-X1)+y1 mK±M
ii) y=X1+(y=X1+(1/m) (yB-y1) mK0
Set – B
1. Right
2. Top
3. Left
4. Bottom
 A)i) -4, ii) -3
 B)i) -3, ii) -4
 C)i) -2, ii) -1
 D)i) -4, ii) -1
Q. 2Except at boundary edges, adjacent pixels
are likely to have the same characteristics, and
this property is referred as ______ and far a
raster scan graphics device adjacent pixels on a
scan line are likely to have the same
 A)Scan line, Boundary
 B)Boundary, Spatial
 C)Spatial, Scan line
 D)Scan line, Spatial
Q. 3Perspective drawing are characterized by
____ and _____
 A)Vanishing Points, view confusion
 B)View confusion, Perspective foreshortening
 C)Perspective foreshortening, vanishing points
 D)Topological distortion, view confusion
Q. 4Choose the oblique projectors from below
i) General
ii) Auxiliary views
iii) Trimetric
iv) One principal vanishing point
v) Cabinet
 A)i), iii) and iv)
 B)i), iii) and v)
 C)i), ii) and iv)
 D)i) and v)
Q. 5In a CRT, at the end of each line the beam
must turned off and redirected back to the left
hand side of the CRT. The return sweep is
called _____ and shutting off of the electron
beam as it returns from the bottom of the
display at the
 A)Retracing, Blanking
 B)Blanldng, retracing
 C)horizontal retrace blanking, vertical retrace blanking
 D)vertical retrace blanking, horizontal retrace blanking
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