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DBMS & SQL server

This is the collection of Sikkim Manipal University (SMU) question and answers for DBMS & SQL server. It will help to prepare your examination. All question paper are classified as per semester, subject code and question type of Part A, Part B and Part C with multiple choice options as same as actual examination. SMU question papers includes year 2024, 2023, 2022 Sem I, II, III, IV, V, VI examinations of all subjects.

SMU question test set of old, last and previous year are updated regularly and it is absolutely free to use. Question paper includes Visual basic 6, VB.Net, C#, ASP.Net, Web, Oracle, Database, SQL, Software Engineering, C, C++, OOPS, MBA, MCA, BSC IT I have requested you kindly send me the question paper of DBMS & SQL server, SMU - Master of Science in Information Technology.

Course Name        MSc IT (Master of Science in Information Technology)

Subject Code       MT0034 (DBMS & SQL server)

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DBMS & SQL server Syllabus.

Unit 1: Database Management System
Introduction, Data processing requirements, Data flow diagrams, DBMS characteristics, Problems with traditional systems, Three schema architecture, DBMS history, Data models, E-R model, Relationship, Ternary relationship

Unit 2: Relational Data Model, Constraints and Relational Algebra
Introduction, Relational Database, Constraints, Data Integrity, Relational algebra, Database planning, Steps in database planning, Database design, Conversion of e-r diagram to relations, Introduction to normalization.

Unit 3: Query language-SQL
Introduction, Data types, DDL statements, Data manipulation language, Data control language

Unit 4: Normalization and Data Storage Devices
Introduction, Functional dependency, Decomposition of relations, Normalization, Schema design, Axioms for fds and mvds, Fourth normal form, Fourth generation languages, Data storage devices, File systems.

Unit 5: Model Review, System Architecture and Optimization
Introduction, Hierarchical data model, Network data model, HDMS : a typical DBMS, Transaction model, Client-server architecture, Query tree and query operators, Query optimization

Unit 6: Security, Integrity and Information Quality
Introduction, Security and Integrity Threats, Security, Information Quality, Privacy etc.

Unit 7: Introduction to Databases
Introduction to Databases, Basic Database Concepts, Characteristics of a Database Management System, Relational model, Characteristics of a Relational DBMS Model, Relational Database Objects, TABLES, UNIQUENESS AND KEYS, Normalization, History, Normal Forms, First normal form, Second normal form, Third normal form (3NF), Boyce-Codd normal form, Fourth normal form, Fifth normal form, Domain/key normal form, Sixth normal form

Unit 8: Introduction to SQL
SQL Server 2005 Overview, Layout of the SQL Server 2005 Data Platform, Structured Query Language, Enhancements in Transact-SQL, Query Notification, Platforms, Integration with Microsoft Back office, Client/Server Architecture, The components in the communication architecture include: Client Application, Application Development Architecture, Database Architecture, System Database, Database Implementation, SQL Server 2005 System Tables and Views, System Views, Information Schema, SQL Server Components, Server Software, SQL Server Service, SQL Server Administration Tools & Wizards, Full support of SQL Server 2005, New state-of-the-art graphical user interface, Rapid database management and navigation, Easy management of all SQL Server objects, Advanced data manipulation tools, Effective security management, Excellent visual and text tools for query building, Report designer with clear in use report construction wizard, Impressive data export and import capabilities, Visual Database Designer to handle database structure in a few clicks, Easy-to-use wizards performing SQL Server administrative tasks, Other useful tools to make your work with SQL Server as easy as it can be, SQL Server Configuration Manager, Surface Area Configuration Tool, SQL Server Management Studio

Unit 9: Installing and Configuring SQL Server 2005
SQL Server 2005 Editions, Versions for SQL Server 2005, Hardware and Software Requirement, System Requirements, Hardware and Software Requirements, Cluster Hardware Requirements, Network Software Requirements, Internet Requirements, Software Requirements, Understanding SQL Server Installation Options, Licensing Mode, Character Set, Default Installation path, SQL Server Logon Account, Using a Domain User Account, Auto Start Services, Running SQL Server 2005 Setup Program, Starting and stopping SQL Services, Configuration Manager, Connecting to SQL Server, SQLCMD, Using Graphical Utility

Unit 10: Building a Database
Database Consideration, DevicesCreating Databases, Allocating Units, Transaction Log, Managing Databases, Creating Database Devices, Creating Tables, Object Explorer MANAGING DATABASES, Managing Data and Log File Growth, Expanding Database and Log Files, Adding secondary database files, Creating Filegroups, DROPPING DATABASE, TABLES, CREATING TABLE, ALTERING TABLES, Adding a Column, Dropping a Column, Dropping Tables, Data Types (Transact-SQL), SQL Server Data Types and Their .NET Framework Equivalents

Unit 11: Retrieving & Managing Data
Introduction, Select System (T-SQL), Using comparison operators, Using String Comparisons, Using Logical Operators, Retrieving a Range of Values, Retrieving a List of Values, Sorting Result Sets, Additional Language Elements, Local and Global Variables, Operators, Functions, Control-Of-Flow Statements, Local Variables (User defined), Global Variables (System supplied), Operators (T-SQL), Arithmetic Operators, Assignment Operator, Bitwise Operators, Comparison Operators, Locical Operators, String Concatenation Operator, Unary Operators, Operator Precedence, Enhancements in T-SQL, Functions, Mathematical Function, String Functions, Date Functions, Data Conversion Functions, Control of Flow Language Elements, Ways to Execute Transact-SQL statements, Dynamically Constructing Statements, Using Transactions, Constraints, Naming Conventions, Determining Which type of constraint to use, Disabling Constraint Checking, Disabling Constraint Checking on Existing Data, Disabling Constraint Checking when loading new data, Impleting Indexes, Use the CRETE INDEX statement to create an Index, Use the DROP INDEX statement to Drop an Index, Data Ingegrity, Entity Integrity, domain Integrity, Referential Integrity

Unit 12: Views, Triggers and Stored Procedures
Views: Advantages of Views, Disadvantages of View, A view is used to do any or all of these functions, Dropping Views, Renaming Views, What is an Indexed View?, What’s new for Indexed Views in SQL Server 2005 ?, Group by Restrictions Triggers: Characteristics of a Trigger, Creating Triggers, Magic Tables, The INSERT Trigger, Delete Trigger, The ALTER TRIGGER, The DROP TRIGGER Command, Triggers and Data Integrity, Multiple Triggers, AFTER and SNSTEAD of Triggers Stored Procedures: Details of the CLR Integration, The NET Framework, CLR Integration, Interactively Using the sqlcmd Utility, Using a sqlcmd Startup Script, Using the Query Editor to build a sqlcmd Script
Cursors : Structure of Cursors, Cursor Types, The four APL serve cursor types supported by SQL Server, Declaring Cursors, Opening Cursors, FETCH Statement, Closing Cursors, Deallocate Cursors, Control of Flow Language

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