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System Analysis & Design (SAD)

This is the collection of Sikkim Manipal University (SMU) question and answers for System Analysis & Design (SAD). It will help to prepare your examination. All question paper are classified as per semester, subject code and question type of Part A, Part B and Part C with multiple choice options as same as actual examination. SMU question papers includes year 2024, 2023, 2022 Sem I, II, III, IV, V, VI examinations of all subjects.

SMU question test set of old, last and previous year are updated regularly and it is absolutely free to use. Question paper includes Visual basic 6, VB.Net, C#, ASP.Net, Web, Oracle, Database, SQL, Software Engineering, C, C++, OOPS, MBA, MCA, BSC IT I have requested you kindly send me the question paper of System Analysis & Design (SAD), SMU - Master of Computer Application.

Course Name        MCA (Master of Computer Application)

Subject Code       MC0069 (System Analysis & Design (SAD))

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System Analysis & Design (SAD) Syllabus.

Part 1:The Context of Systems Analysis and Design
Introduction; Principles of Modeling: Object-Oriented Modeling; An Overview of the UML: The UML Is a Language, The UML Is a Language for Visualizing, The UML Is a Language for Specifying, The UML Is a Language for Constructing, The UML Is a Language for Documenting, Where Can the UML Be Used?; A Conceptual Model of the UML: Building Blocks of the UML; Things in the UML: Structural Things, Behavioral Things, Grouping Things; Relationships in the UML; Diagrams in the UML; Rules of the UML; Common Mechanisms in the UML: Specifications, Adornments.

Part 2: Basic Structural Modeling
Introduction; Terms And Concepts: Names, Attributes, Operations, Organizing Attributes and Operations, Responsibilities; Common Modeling Techniques: Modeling the Vocabulary of a System, Modeling the Distribution of Responsibilities in a System; Advanced Classes; Terms And Concepts: Classifiers, Visibility, Scope, Abstract, Root, Leaf, and Polymorphic Elements, Multiplicity, Attributes, Operations, Template Classes, Standard Elements, Common Modeling Techniques.

Part 3: Relationships
Introduction; Terms And Concepts: Dependency, Generalization, Association, Name, Role, Multiplicity, Aggregation; Other Features; common Modeling Techniques: Modeling Simple Dependencies, Modeling Single Inheritance, Modeling Structural Relationships; Advanced Relationships; Terms And Concepts; Dependency, Generalization, Association, Realization; Common Modeling Techniques: Modeling Webs of Relationships,

Part 4: Common Mechanisms
Introduction; Terms and Concepts: Notes, Other Adornments, Stereotypes, Tagged Values, Constraints, Standard Elements; Common Modeling Techniques: Modeling New Building Blocks, Modeling New Properties, Modeling New Semantics; Interfaces, Types, And Roles;
Terms And Concepts: Names, Operations, Relationships, Understanding an interface, Types and Roles; Common Modeling Techniques: Modeling the Seams in a System, Modeling Static and Dynamic Types.

Part 5: Diagrams
Introduction; Terms and Concepts; Structural Diagrams: Class Diagram, Object Diagram, Component Diagram, Deployment Diagram; Behavioral Diagrams: Use Case Diagram, Sequence Diagram, Collaboration Diagram, Statechart Diagram, Activity Diagram; Common Modeling Techniques: Modeling Different Views of a System, Modeling Different Levels of Abstraction, Modeling Complex Views.

Part 6: Class Diagrams
Introduction; Terms And Concepts; Common Modeling Techniques: Modeling Simple Collaborations, Modeling A Logical Database Schema, Forwarding And Reverse Engineering; Object Diagrams; Terms And Concepts; Common Modeling Techniques: Modeling Object Structures, Forward And Reverse Engineering.

Part 7: Interactions
Introduction; Terms And Concepts: Context, Objects and Roles, Links, Messages, Sequencing, Creation, Modification, and Destruction, Representation; Common Modeling Techniques: Modeling a Flow of Control.

Part 8: Events and Signals
Introduction; Terms And Concepts: Kinds of Events, Signals, Call Events, Time and Change Events, Sending and Receiving Events; Common Modeling Techniques: Modeling a Family of Signals, Modeling Exceptions; State Machines; Terms And Concepts: Context, States, Transitions; Advanced States and Transitions; Substrates; Common Modeling Techniques: Modeling the Lifetime of an Object; Statechart Diagrams; Terms And Concepts: Common Properties; Common Modeling Techniques: Modeling reactive Objects, Forward and Reverse Engineering.

Part 9: Components
Introduction; Terms And Concepts: Names, Components and Classes, Components and Interfaces, Binary Replaceability, Kinds of Components, Organizing Components, Standard Elements; Common Modeling Techniques: Modeling Executables and Libraries, Modeling Tables, Files And Documents, Modeling an API, Modeling Source Code; Collaborations; Terms And Concepts: Names, Structure, Behavior, Organizing Collaborations; Common Modeling Techniques: Modeling the Realization of a Use Case, Modeling the Realization of an Operation, Modeling a Mechanism; Components Diagrams; Terms And Concepts: Common Properties, Contents, Common Uses; Common Modeling Techniques: Modeling Source Code, Modeling an Executable Release, Modeling a Physical Database, Modeling Adaptable Systems, Forward and Reverse Engineering; Deployment Diagrams; Terms And Concepts: Common Properties, Contents, Common Uses; Common Modeling Techniques: Modeling a Embedded System, Modeling a Client/Server System, Modeling a Fully Distributed System.

Part 10: Systems And Models
Introduction; Terms And Concepts: Systems and Subsystems, Models and Views, Trace; Common Modeling Techniques: Modeling the Architecture of a System, Modeling Systems of Systems.

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